Give back. Be Compassionate. Inspire Dreams.

To align with my purpose of helping seniors, I’m proud to announce that I’m donating 50% of my book royalties to the Alzheimer’s Association through December 31st, 2021. It was an incredible journey (over 10 years to be precise) to write my memoir I See Old People. There were over a hundred stops and starts, an…

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Find my book, I See Old People, on Amazon beginning June 15th. If you want to sign up to be notified, contact me here. I turned the magic of improvisation and my “wanna be actress” skills into a super power and it lit up the room. As I visited seniors living with dementia or Alzheimer’s,…

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Shiny moments

Shiny Moments with Jeanne Hussin

I was so happy when the best-selling author of Divine Alignment, SQuire Rushnell, shared one of my stories on his Facebook page. His book influenced much of my writing and shaped my thinking along the way. My book I see old People® is all about these marvelous connections including my very own love story! Check…

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My angel. My love.

My angel, my love with Jeanne Hussin

“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein While writing my memoir, I see old People™, I wrote a lot about love. Love stories, love of family, love of giving back, and the best love of all, the unexpected kind. You know the kind…

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Ordinary becomes extraordinary in one small moment

Jason and Jeanne, Kind Conversations about Mistletoe

As I finished my autobiography last weekend and sent it off to my publisher, I’m struck how my ordinary life delivered such extraordinary moments. I don’t know whether it’s because I look for these moments and cling to them more vigilantly, or because extraordinary moments really happen to me. Either way, there’s nothing more glorious…

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Model kindness. They will learn.

Jason and Tasha, Kind Conversations

Around 2008, I found myself laid off from a large mortgage company after 16 years of employment. A single mom with a lot of debt and a lot of worry, I decided to visit seniors living in a nearby assisted living home. Why? I had time. I had no excuses. And I was a marvelous…

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