Mrs. Calabria

How one teacher with Alzheimer’s disease forgets how many lives she touched yet remembers how much she was loved. This chapter is from my memoir I See Old People and describes my visit with a memory care resident who suffers from Alzheimer’s and recalls her teaching years. Fifty percent of book proceeds are donated to…

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A “charming” find  

Finding happiness and joy can be as simple as finding a hidden treasure. There’s a story to be found in almost anything. You can often find the story inside a delightful keepsake. I found my narrative this morning within the symbols of a charm bracelet. I was rifling through my mostly costume jewelry assortment when…

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Stories shape our world

To align with my purpose of helping seniors, I’m proud to announce that I’m donating 50% of my book royalties to the Alzheimer’s Association through December 31st, 2021. From the time we are young, we’re born to love stories. They teach us about life, they inform our decisions, and they help us understand our desires…

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Gut instincts

As I finished writing my book I See Old People and preparing it for publication, I began to understand how my internal battles within myself were almost always 99% correct. I’m talking about that small voice in your head that says, I should say something to the person in front of me or I should…

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It’s never too late, for anything.

The best things that happened to me happened when I decided to make an appearance. Jeanne corvese hussin When I was writing my book, I began writing stories about my visits with seniors and how they changed my view of the world. I didn’t have a roadmap for where my stories would take me or…

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Finishing or just getting started?

I’m nearing the corner of putting my book on Amazon. Honestly, I didn’t believe I would ever finish writing my book. Like a lot of my stop and start projects, it began as a whimsical idea, a fantasy, a nice-to-have for my bucket list, a dream, a wish; a hope that I could write a…

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Good things are always around the corner

Good things are always around the corner

Here’s a story about how changing your mental tape can bring about positive outcomes. When I was a young girl, my mother would often say to me, “Jeanne, you never know what’s around the corner.” This was generally in response to something that went terribly wrong in my young adult life. It usually centered around…

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Fake it till you feel it.

I see old people - fake it til you make it

Here’s a short story about my visits with seniors and the inspiration behind my book, I See Old People®.   How I start Walking into a senior home to visit those struggling with dementia or Alzheimer’s is not an easy act. From the loud outbursts the residents sometimes make, to the unpleasant smells, to the…

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I talk to strangers.

Jeanne Hussin, Author of I see old people

Here’s a short tale about positive thinking and how it brought inspiration and love into my life. It starts with my fascination for people. From the time I was able to talk, I would look for anybody who’d listen. When I became an adult, I collected strangers like some people collect stamps. I’d talk to…

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Ordinary becomes extraordinary in one small moment

Jason and Jeanne, Kind Conversations about Mistletoe

As I finished my autobiography last weekend and sent it off to my publisher, I’m struck how my ordinary life delivered such extraordinary moments. I don’t know whether it’s because I look for these moments and cling to them more vigilantly, or because extraordinary moments really happen to me. Either way, there’s nothing more glorious…

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