The gifts of our past

A heartwarming story about managing through life’s ups and downs.

Author Jeanne Hussin on gifts on our past.
Enjoying sunnier days in Seattle

Life experience proved that every challenge, loss, or painful situation, gave way to something far greater and more splendid than what I could ever imagine for myself.

Nostalgia. It’s defined as a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with personal associations. To me, it’s not so much a longing. Rather, it’s a warm feeling when I revisit a place I love, recall a memory that sparks joy, or hear a song that brings a smile to my face.

Nostalgia is a gift. It’s a feeling that takes us to places that make us feel hopeful, rejuvenated or refreshed. It’s almost a little like “beam me up Scotty” for those who need a mental vacation.

What the past tells us about our future

My past tells me there is more adventure ahead. Life experience proved that every challenge, loss, or painful situation, gave way to something far greater and more splendid than what I could ever imagine for myself.

My book and memoir, I See Old People© (due out late spring), is about nostalgic stories that shaped my decisions and helped influence a path that included giving back. Pivotal moments that included job losses, death, divorce and rejection, were periods that marked the direction I would take. In every instance, I decided failure was never an option.

Whenever I lost out on anything, my mother Shirley told me there would be another love, another musical, another job, another friend, another chapter. It was always a new beginning.

Challenges become opportunities

As we struggle with the challenges life throws us without warning much like a thunder storm in the middle of a beautiful day, nostalgia can be an important reminder that something brighter is about to begin.  

I love looking back. Not because I want to return to the past. I love looking back because it shows me what an incredible life I have lived. Even with the ups, the downs, the highs and the lows, I love life. And I still look forward to learning, loving, and making a difference every chance I get. In the meantime, I’ll just take a little “beam me up Scotty.”

Look for Jeanne’s book and memoir, I see old People®, to come out in spring of 2021. You can follow her on Facebook and Instagram too.



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  1. Sue Gehlich on March 21, 2021 at 10:15 am

    Your words are always so inspirational and help me to continue on with a positive outlook. I too enjoy looking back on the life I am still fortunate to be living and hope to pass on some of my knowledge and experience to my children. I am still learning to embrace everything that life has to offer and owe some of this “new outlook” on your writings. Thank you Jeanne!

  2. Jeanne Hussin on March 21, 2021 at 7:12 pm

    Sue – I’m so humbled by your words! I never know what impact my writing has until someone wonderful like you takes the time to comment. I write these words as much for myself as for anyone who is having a hard time managing through each day. We have the gift of experience and if we can help others understand how that experience proved again and again that there is light, well, we’ve done our job! Thank you again for your beautiful comments.