I talk to strangers.

I talk to strangers.  Positive thinking about people is contagious.
Never at a loss for words, I find lots to say and share.

Here’s a short tale about positive thinking and how it brought inspiration and love into my life. It starts with my fascination for people. From the time I was able to talk, I would look for anybody who’d listen. When I became an adult, I collected strangers like some people collect stamps. I’d talk to people on airplanes – all except the ones who look at you as if they would take you out if you uttered one word. These people I avoided. Funny thing is, I only like people who like me.

I talk to strangers on airplanes, in restaurants, on the beach, on the bus, in a crowded amusement park, at the bank in line, at the post office, and almost any place in-between. And because I’m not the least bit shy, I spoke with some pretty incredible people. From ministers to doctors to authors to a four-star general I once met on an airplane, as I opened up and listened, I learned some pretty valuable lessons. It seems I met these perfect strangers whenever I had a message I needed to hear.  

Once in January of 2014, I met a fellow juror. A beautiful woman, married with one son like me, Sophia was stunning. Every day as she showed up for jury service, her makeup was perfect, her clothing was impeccable with the perfect accessories, and she wore animal print heels that defied gravity. She was down to earth, laughed easily with a sweet soothing girly giggle, and she was highly creative. In other words, I loved her right away!   

She had no idea how our everyday conversations would change my life. We connected on so many levels. Perfect strangers. Perfect conversations. Perfect harmony.

With periods of down time in-between our jury service, I talked to her at length about my divorce, my challenges in raising a defiant young son, and my feelings about love. I didn’t have much luck in that department.

I talked to her about how I saw the world and how I believed that our connections with people are no accident. I explained that over the years I had many “just in time” encounters that shaped my life in positive ways.

Highly spiritual, she recommended that I read a book called E-Squared written by Pam Grout. The book talks about how our thoughts are energy and how you shape your life with your mind. Imagine that?

The book suggests that sweeping negative statements we have about the world operate as if they were true. Could it be that my negative tape about finding love could be the very thing that stopped me from finding it in the first place?

It wasn’t soon after meeting Sophia; I went on to read that book. In the process, I changed my own tape. While taking long walks around my neighborhood, I questioned myself about why love was so elusive. Did I believe I was unlovable? Maybe. It didn’t matter. I began thinking about myself as loveable and believed that love was in fact “here.” It was actually just around the corner as my mother Shirley liked to say.

Shockingly simple right? Within 8 months while continuing my new “love” tape, I met my future husband Joe. So yeah, I’ll keep talking to strangers and finding inspiration. Because I have a lot more to learn and most definitely a lot more love to give.

Look for Jeanne’s book and memoir, I see old People®, to come out in 2021. You can follow her on Facebook and Instagram too.





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